Don't even Think about Training at Home... This is why!!
Are you tempted to work out at home? Are you already doing it but not enjoying it? Then this article is for you!!

The "Working Out at Home" industry is growing fast in the last few years. Potentialized by the recent Pandemic, these companies sell programs and equipment promising you will reach your goals (in terms of weight, muscles, and happiness) with them.
They appeal to your busy life and desire of having more time to dedicate to your health.
Anyone can be tempted to follow this trend, but people who never trained or had bad training experiences are more vulnerable to it.
More people interested in Working Out
Some years ago, resistance training (training with weights) was an activity reserved only for specific groups of people:
- Athletes.
- People concerned with their body shape.
- People having some health condition that made their doctors prescribe it.
But in the last few years, individuals outside these groups got to know about the benefits of this activity, which raised a massive interest in it.
But many of them are insecure about how much they will enjoy it, or how long they will stick to it. As a result, they either start small or never start at all.
Reasons that keep people from Working Out
This is not easy to understand for those who are already used to weight training, but there are some reasons that make it difficult for a first-timer to join a Gym.
Let's be honest. Working Out itself doesn't sound like a very exciting activity for whom hasn't practiced it:
- It is repetitive and static.
- There is no competition.
- It hurts (actually it shouldn't, but it does require effort).
On top of that, there are some other reasons for avoiding joining the gym:
- You have to pay for the membership.
- Gyms are usually crowded.
- You can feel intimidated for being inexperient.
So people try to figure out how to adapt the activity to their interests and lifestyle. This is a great way of getting the best out of it, enjoy, and be more consistent.
Working Out at Home
Working out at home ends up being the most common alternative. You may think that you are taking the best of both Worlds. You get the benefits of resistance training and avoid the difficulties attached to a gym membership.
These are some common thoughts:
- No need to "go" there, as I'm already at home
- I can do it at any time
- I won't feel embarrassed for misdoing an exercise
- It's free!!!
You may think: "Let's begin this way, and if I like it, I can always join a Gym."
Well... let me tell you that this is a BIG mistake. Working Out at home is difficult even for experienced lifters.
Issues of Working Out at Home
If you try to exercise outside a gym or a dedicated place, you will miss some of the most important aspects of the training:
- Equipment: It doesn't matter whether you are beginner or experienced. You need different pieces of equipment to be able to perform a more varied routine and a progressive overload.
- "Training Mode" switch: While at home, it's hard to disconnect from what you are doing and fully focus on your training.
- Gym Vibes: One of the best things that gyms have, is the energy. You are in a place where everyone is committed to their training, and that is both positive and contagious.
- Guidance: Having an instructor watching and assisting you to perform the exercises is a plus.
The above items are enough for concluding that there is a real superiority of training at the gym over at home. But there is another relevant point:
When you work out at the gym, there is only one effort that you need to do: "Going to the Gym". Once you left your house, that's it. You are going to perform your routine. While you are at the gym, there is not much you can do other than train.
On the other hand, if you work out at home, you need to do the same effort in every exercise and every set. Think about that. You are in your living room, sitting on your couch, and watching between sets. Every time you need to take the weights again, you need to make that decision.
And this last point is the hardest one. This is why it is tough, even for people who like it, to train at home.
Strategies for starting gradually
So what can you do if you want to start small and let the enthusiasm grow inside of you?
There are some variables you should use to make progress and still feel comfortable:
- Frequency
- Intensity
- Weights
- Routine Length
You should play with them, and assess your feelings. Then adjust them to your current level of motivation and needs.
It is perfectly fine (even mandatory) to define your pace and adjust your training according to your needs. This will give you joy, consistency, and happiness.
Just make sure that you are doing the right choices, so you don't miss the great benefits that working out has for you.